Project Description
This residence is an elegant response to its dense, bustling urban surroundings, designed as an introverted sanctuary within a typical Indian neighborhood. Built on a 45’x 90’ plot, the house adopts an H-shaped plan that wraps around an open-to-sky courtyard, creating a tranquil core. The courtyard serves as the focal point of the home, seamlessly integrating with surrounding spaces while offering a serene "outside" within the privacy of the house. This thoughtful spatial arrangement fosters natural light, ventilation, and a sense of openness despite the proximity of neighboring buildings and the busy street frontage.
The design emphasizes minimalism and identity through its unique interplay of forms and materials. The façade features a blank wall with dispersed openings, reinforcing the house's introverted nature while ensuring privacy. Above this mass, a large overhanging roof appears to levitate, sheltering a sculpted object that adds a striking visual element. The contrast between the blank wall and the sculpted centerpiece highlights material and form dynamics, giving the residence a distinctive presence on the street. Inside, the courtyard and puja room serve as the heart of the home, fostering a sense of community and quiet reflection while linking all functional spaces harmoniously.
Project Architect: